SFDR Disclosure
The following Funds have been classified as Article 8 products for the purposes of SFDR:
- UTI India Dynamic Equity Fund
- UTI India Balanced Fund
- UTI India Innovation Fund
- UTI Indian Fixed Income Fund
The remaining Funds are classified as Article 6 for the purpose of SFDR i.e. they do not promote Environmental or Social Characteristics or have sustainable investment objectives.

Sustainability Risk Policy Statement
The management of sustainability risk forms an important part of the due diligence process implemented by the Investment Manager. When assessing the sustainability risk associated with underlying investments, the Investment Manager is assessing the risk that the value of such underlying investments could be materially negatively impacted by an environmental, social or governance event or condition (“ESG Event”). Using both quantitative and qualitative processes, sustainability risk is identified, monitored and managed by the Investment Manager

Consideration of Principal Adverse Impact Statement
The requirements of the PAI regime have been carefully considered by UTI International (Singapore) Private Limited, which also supports the regime’s goals of increasing transparency to clients, investors, and the market regarding how financial market participants incorporate the consideration of unfavourable effects of their investment decisions on sustainability factors.
However, PAI are not considered at entity level as it is not applicable due the nature, scale and size of the business.

Remuneration Policy Summary
UTI International (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd. (UTIIS) is subject to supplementary requirements under Article 5 of SFDR to ensure its Remuneration Policy is consistent with the integration of sustainability risk and has developed its own Remuneration Policy.
UTIIS believes that its people are its biggest assets and play a key role in the success of the Firm. It is committed to providing competitive remuneration packages that enables it to attract, reward and retain the best talent in the industry.
UTIIS does not reward or encourage risk taking, including with respect to sustainability risk, as that term is defined in SFDR and in the preceding section.